Training Consultancy
Our team and expertise brings a toolkit that fulfills the empowerment capacity in an enterprising last mile. We work on solutions for sustainability and income generation. We are privileged to be working with civil society, experts and change makers to achieve this.
Over ten capacity building programs have been delivered all over Uganda. We combine a highly skilled team's expertise with our knack for social entrepreneurship to produce a human centered design that addresses poverty solutions in a sustainable way. Building off of our own synergies and experience, we are able to connect the necessary dots between government, private sector and academia in order to leverage those adoptive strengths in order to create workable solutions.
Our Services
ENVenture provides capacity building support to clean energy microenterprises operated by CBOs. We offer consulting services to support other organizations seeking business trainers and ToT workshops to increase financial literacy of microenterprises.
Business Monitoring
ENVenture launched ENVision, a simple pictorial mobile app to track business performance for micro-entrepreneurs. ENVenture offers consulting services where our team can deliver the app training to your organization / micro-enterprises.
Lastmile Coverage
We understand the different facets to the limitations faced in the lastmile today. We work with researchers and companies to provide access to information to a less understood market.
May 2019
Entrepreneurship Boot Camp to support 200 microenterprise entrepreneurs with core entrepreneurship skills
The supporting microenterprise strengthening (SMS) project, focused on supporting micro-entrepreneurs both on-farm and off -farm to improve their businesses. specifically, the project worked with micro-entrepreneurs, through capacity building and through matched grant support to prospective microenterprises. ENVenture designed a specialized microenterprise project with a specialized team to ensure the success of the SMS project and its ability to build from the increased market supply and demand developed by other Mercy Corps agricultural and livestock MSD programmes.
Jan 2020
Green Innovation Challenge Fund to find innovative solutions for West Nile in the field of environment & energy
The Response Innovation Lab is a global, multi-actor, a cross-sectoral initiative focused on supporting innovation in the delivery of emergency and recovery assistance. In Uganda, it is hosted by Save the Children. The Response Innovation Lab’s role is innovation on the ground in humanitarian contexts real-time solving of problems in large-scale humanitarian emergencies and protracted crises such as earthquakes, typhoons, civil war, and unrest. Similar to business, there are problems, both simple and complex, that are often only visible on the ground.