On this World Environment Day, we shed light on the pressing issue of energy poverty and its detrimental impact on Uganda's population. With a staggering 73.3% of Ugandans lacking access to electricity, the dire consequences are far-reaching. However, the true challenge lies not in the absence of clean energy technologies but in the need for developed supply chains and delivery systems to reach off-grid communities, especially low-income earners in remote areas.
The Current State of Energy Poverty in Uganda
In off-grid communities across Uganda, basic lighting and cooking needs are met through traditional and inefficient technologies such as candles, kerosene lamps, and three stone cookstoves. Regrettably, the use of these traditional methods leads to severe indoor pollution, causing over 40,000 deaths annually. Furthermore, the over-reliance on firewood as a cooking fuel has resulted in the loss of 49.2 thousand hectares of forest cover, contributing to a staggering 23.5 million tons of CO₂ emissions.
The Consequences of Limited Access to Clean Energy
The absence of clean energy technologies for lighting not only perpetuates educational inequality but also hampers economic progress. Children in off-grid communities are unable to study and read at night, hindering their educational development. Moreover, families spend a significant portion of their income on inefficient lighting sources, further exacerbating the cycle of poverty. Additionally, over 80% of the population is employed in Agriculture and the inability to access Energy for Productive technologies that can power Agriculture is limiting small holders farmers from exploiting the Agriculture sectors full potential to improve livelihoods.
Unlocking the Potential of Grassroots Organizations
Recognizing the potential of grassroots organizations, such as Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), presents a promising solution to tackle the energy crisis in Uganda. These organizations, driven by passionate individuals concerned about their communities, currently focus on providing non-energy-related social services.
The ENVenture Model
ENVenture seeks to harness the existing infrastructure of CBOs and VSLAs to deliver clean energy technologies to off-grid communities. With over 20,000 CBOs and 15,000 VSLAs operating throughout Uganda, their widespread presence and close relationships with local communities provide a solid foundation for change.
By leveraging the capacity of CBOs and VSLAs, ENVenture creates a trusted network of clean energy enterprises. These enterprises offer entry-level clean energy technologies such as solar home kits, improved cookstoves, non-electric water filters, and briquettes. By embedding sustainable business practices, these enterprises empower local communities while addressing the urgent need for clean energy access.
The Path to a Sustainable Future
To address the environmental and climate change challenges faced by Uganda, it is imperative to fully utilize the potential of grassroots organizations. By integrating clean energy initiatives into the existing activities of CBOs and VSLAs, we can promote environmental sustainability, reduce indoor pollution-related deaths, mitigate deforestation, and pave the way for a brighter future.
As we celebrate World Environment Day, let us recognize the critical role that grassroots organizations play in addressing energy poverty in Uganda. By embracing the ENVenture model and leveraging the infrastructure of CBOs and VSLAs, we can deliver clean energy technologies to off-grid communities. Together, let us work towards a sustainable future where every Ugandan has access to clean and affordable energy, empowering communities, protecting the environment, and fostering economic growth.
By Cyprian Odyek (Project Officer)